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Happy New Year! Happy 2015! On this show we spend some time reflecting on New Year’s resolutions. Do you have one? Are you going to keep it? Get some tips for how to have a healthy 2015. Then our next segment takes a close look at the often overlooked issue of civil asset forfeiture. Heard of that...
Kristin's picture
We're facing a flu outbreak epidemic, but 44 million people in the United States are missing one of our most important tools to fight the flu: paid sick days!
Sara Alcid's picture
Having a personal space of my own is as necessary in my life as breathing. I don’t need to use my personal “me space” everyday, but I like to know that it’s there should I need it. As someone who has always had to cohabitate—first sharing a bedroom with my older sister, then with college roommates, and now my husband—what prevented a head-spinning exorcist moment was my insistence on claiming even just a corner (if sitting in your closet, uggs provide the best cushioning) to myself. But how do you claim a space for yourself when you have a million things competing for your attention?
Nina Perez's picture
Pittsburgh Mayor William Peduto received a resounding thank you from about 300 volunteers, grateful that he is making children’s access to health insurance a top priority through the Healthy Together campaign. The goal of Healthy Together is to enroll 100 percent of children and youth in the City...
Heather Hopson's picture
“A population that does not take care of the elderly and of children and the young has no future, because it abuses both its memory and its promise.” -- Pope Francis
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
A very happy new year to you! We hope you had some time to relax and recharge during the holidays. There's so much good work to be done promoting healthy schools and communities this year - we're excited to get started! To kick things off, we've launched a fun way to get inspired for the year ahead...
Karen Showalter's picture
We’ve heard for months that the economy is improving, except for one stubborn problem: workers’ wages aren’t rising the way they should be in a recovery. Productivity goes up, corporate profits go up, CEO pay goes way up—but most working people’s paychecks are stuck. What we haven’t heard as much about is how we can raise wages. The economy is not like the weather—it doesn’t just happen to us, and we don’t have to just sit and wait for it to get better. The leaders we elect make the policy decisions that can fix the economy. Now it’s our job to put enough pressure on them until they actually do.
Liz Shuler's picture
The second Friday before Christmas was like most of my days -- essentially -- but with some unique details. I was finishing up the update of my ebook, Lean On and Lead, Mothering and Work in the 21st Century Economy , so I was making edits and chasing after approvals from various interviewees in...
Shay Chan Hodges's picture
The Good Food Force Healthy New Year Challenge is underway. I thought I'd share a post I shared last week over on My Mamihood . Mainly because I'm still trying to prepare for an awesome and organized year and I need the reminders! Okay folks! Forty is right around the corner and this year, I want...
Sili Recio's picture
Our asset forfeiture laws are a mess, and they’re letting cops confiscate property. Left and right ought to agree on this one.
joan's picture
